
Spinal Cord Injury

Your Espoir care for a spinal cord injury can start before you leave the hospital. The reason for this is because there are a lot of lifestyle changes that happen after a spinal cord injury therefore, Espoir wants to make sure you’re well prepared and ready. For starters we will discuss living arrangements for after you leave the hospital – whether this be renovations to your existing home, finding a new home or building a new home. Espoir attends the discharge meeting with the hospital team to make the client’s transition from the hospital back to the community as smooth as possible. Our specialists will work with the client to set up their home, strengthen a support system, and work on client-centered goals.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation


Spinal cord injuries are actually quite common and can arise from many activities such as:

Categories of Spinal Cord Injuries

There are different categories for spinal cord injuries:

The Process


Call or email to book a consult and start the process of healing through specialized therapy.


During the assessment we will ask about symptoms and previous treatment to come up with a plan.


Work with a group of specialists with a therapy plan catered to meet your needs.

Book your consultation now

Meet with one of our specialists and get started on your recovery today.

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