Severe Orthopedic Injuries
There are many different kinds of orthopedic injuries that someone can get. Each injury is different and requires its own specialized plan and goals. Espoir specialists have experience working with various types of orthopedic injuries and work with the client to set up their environment and occupations in a way that works for them as they adapt to their new lifestyle.

- Crush injuries
- Amputations
- Severe breaks
- Multiple fractures
Depending on the injury, clients work alongside:
- Occupational therapy
- Social worker
- Physiotherapist

The Process

Call or email to book a consult and start the process of healing through specialized therapy.

During the assessment we will ask about symptoms and previous treatment to come up with a plan.

Work with a group of specialists with a therapy plan catered to meet your needs.
Book your consultation now
Meet with one of our specialists and get started on your recovery today.