
Attendant Care

After an accident, you may qualify for Attendant Care, which will help to cover the costs of someone to assist you with your care after your accident. The care may include dressing, showering, toileting, making meals, managing medications or performing exercises. Espoir is able to complete the required assessment and paperwork for clients to detail what activities clients need assistance with and to be able to access these funds. Once it is approved, Espoir can also assist with setting up the required services to provide the needed care in your home.

Attendant Care

AT Home Attendant Care Assessment

Espoir can come to your home, or to see you in the hospital, to assess your needs and complete the required paperwork.

Purpose Of Assessment

The assessment will determine what exactly you need assistance with and assign a monetary value to that support. This will allow Espoir to assist with finding someone to provide that care, or request that family be reimbursed for their time.

Attendant care london ontario

The Process


Call or email to book a consult and start the process of healing through specialized therapy.


An therpist will come to your home and assess your injuries or disability needs.


If eligible, a therapist will help you obtain the funding you need for your treatment and devices.

Book your consultation now

Meet with one of our specialists and get started on your recovery today.

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